Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Condoms to go

As a plan to try to increase the usage of condoms and decrease the growing rate of STD's, Sweden now has Condom Ambulances (reached by calling 696969). Go here for the full story.

Ah, June at last. I'm a big fan of June for many reasons. It's the month in which I was born, of course, it's the month in which summer begins (and i'm sure that there are still some positive associations remaining from it being the month when school used to end for the summer), it's moving into the heart of the baseball many good things about June. So, in honor of this festive month, I invite you all to share your favorite "June" stories.

Here are some (very short) memories of mine:
- Field day - did anyone else have this in elementary school? It was the last day or close to the last day of classes, and everyone went outside and played stupid games, like relay races involving running to a suitcase, putting on all of the clothes in the suitcase, taking off all of the clothes, putting them back in the suitcase, and tagging your next teammate. I always prefered that to the ones where you had to eat something really fast. I'm not very good at that.
- My favorite birthdays:
* 19th birthday - my sister got married on this day, and i got to have a whole table full of friends at the wedding. good times.
* 20th birthday - I was in Budapest, getting really drunk at a dance club.
* 21st birthday - as it was on a Tuesday and I was taking a summer school class, I went to the Indigo Girls concert at Ravinia.
* 18th birthday - Jon took me to see "Cabaret" for the first time. Awesome, awesome show.

These are, of course, the highlights, though there have been many great parties over the years, from the yard parties at my Mom's place (always a good time) to my "surprise" party at Whitney's (which I helped to plan) and my surprise (for real this time) party at Jackie's...the years have been good to me on my birthday. This year, I'll be in bed unable to move, because it's the day after the Rachel Carson Trail Challenge (there is a previous blog entry about this, if anyone is curious).

- Yard Parties (as mentioned before) typically took place in June. These were great (crap, i'm experienced deja vu now...if i've already talked about this, forgive me. i'm getting old). The trampoline, volley ball games, food, crazy people...what more could you ask for (well, booze, but at the time we were all too young and they were at my Mom's place!).

Hmm, I think that's enough for now. :) Better get some work done.


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