Monday, August 09, 2004

at a loss for words

I try to respect people's beliefs and opinions. If they are informed, thought out, and willing to honestly be challenged, then I DO respect them, even if they differ greatly from my own. However, when people start to believe that everyone should live by the standards or morals which they hold, then I have a problem. This is NOT a Christian nation, contrary to what most people think. People should not be forced to live by "Biblical" standards if they don't believe in the Bible. No matter what my personal belief about things like same sex marriage or being pro-choice (both of which I do happen to support), I don't believe that the law should forbid either based on it being against the Bible or the Judeo-Christian God. What the fuck ever happend to free will? Choice? Religious freedom? Or am I naive in thinking they ever existed in the first place? Anyway, forgive my rant. It comes in response to this article from the New York times.
To clarify, lest I offend anyone, I am not saying that people should not vote for the candidate who they believe upholds their own moral views. I am not saying that I don't have respect for those who are Christians (quite the contrary, provided it is an informed belief and not blind, thoughtless following). I am not saying that people don't have the right to be pro-life or against same sex marriage. I DO have a problem with people not allowing me or anyone else to make the choice of what I want to think, believe, or do with my own life. I think that this article is another example of NOT wanting people to actually think or come to their own conclusions, but to act as a mass, as sheep, to ensure that their own religious convictions will be law and not simply a matter of personal choice.


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