Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Let me rant for a moment

I'm not sure why this has popped in my head today, as it was something that occurred to me (again) several nights ago while hanging out with some friends, it is, and I feel the need to rant a moment.

I am now a person of some strong opinions. This has not always been the case, and it's something that I'm still relatively new at (in other words, I'm not one to voice them THAT often, unless I know that just about everyone agrees with me already).

I am person in a long-term relationship, and it can be said with certainty that Jon and I share MANY of the same opinions regarding movies, music, politics, literature, etc etc etc.

In general, Jon has stronger opinions about most things than I do (or is at least more likely to be vocal about his opinions). This is good for me, as often, he is being vocal for my opinions too.

HOWEVER, I find that most people - and I'm not just referring to people we've just met - tend to assume that his opinions are mine (and probably vice versa, which is worse for him than for me. after all, people will assume he likes Bon Jovi too).


It's not even that they're wrong. More often than not, it's a good assumption (and often when it's not, it's just that I don't have an opinion yet on the subject). And it's not that any of Jon's opinions are those that I would NOT want to have for some reason. I guess it's just that it's easier to assume, and people are lazy. I'm sure Jon gets the same thing from people who know him through me (such as my friends from college). They're likely to assume that he thinks what I think, to which I say to Jon, I'm sorry about that :).

Since living together, I naively assumed that this would be different; We no longer have lives separated by 4 hours in the car, where he has his friends, i have my friends, and the only overlap is us. I don't know if his experience is the same as mine (and I'm pretty certain that chances are, he doesn't care even if it is).

Anyway, as I said before, in most cases, it's safe to assume away, because probability states that you'll be right in assuming I agree in full with Jon. And I will continue to use his vastly superior ability to argue the opinions that he and I share, whilst I hone my mad skills at talking constantly without really saying anything at all, and everyone will be happy as usual. I just needed to vent for a brief moment.


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