Good Night, and SHUT THE HELL UP!
Tonight, LHPJ and I went and saw "Good Night, and Good Luck". We enjoyed the film itself very much. However, there was a middle-aged couple sitting across the aisle and one row back from us that WOULD NOT STOP TALKING throughout the entire film. Mostly, it was one woman. She kept laughing at really inappropriate times and talking about EVERYTHING. Seriously - it was CONSTANT. LHPJ shooshed them. I even got up and got an usher because it was so distracting. Of course, the usher comes in and stands in the back of the theater to observe during the five minutes when the woman actually SHUT UP. Naturally.Anyway, people in movie theaters who act like that just baffle me. I just don't get it.
People like that go to the Special Hell, which is also reserved for child molesters.
is that the place where the only thing on television all the time is "Who's the Boss?"
I believe it's actually DRagonball Z.
Or how about "The War at Home"?
Hmmm...I wonder if that woman's related to me?
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