Sunday, August 27, 2006

Since we last spoke

In the past two weeks, I have crashed my brand new car, pulled a muscle in my butt attempting to water ski, and gotten a puncture wound from a stick on my big toe. Fortunately, none of these events has been serious, though we are still without our car and will be for another week at least. woo hoo!! And, that will be expensive. The pulled muscle has been more of a nuisance than anything, and the toe thing is just a pain in the ass because I keep hitting and scraping it on everything. If I could explain the car accident, I would, because it is more than fitting. To sum it up in seven words, I fell out of a parking lot.

This past week, I wrapped up my second summer practicum, and I start classes on Monday. Well, sort of. I'm going to class for an hour, but then ditching out to go to the Cubs/Buccos game. :) Still, the semester will have officially begun.

Last night, I had too many rum and cokes, which resulted in my leaving voice and text messages to my friends that somehow centered around the Ghostbusters theme song. Oh that Ray Parker Jr.....

I may be joining a basketball team too. Go ahead, laugh all you want (especially if you've actually seen me attempt a lay-up (and you can laugh again because I don't know how to spell lay-up)). If the scheduling works out, I would be playing with the Pittsburgh Lady Steel Wheelers (don't quote me on that name folks), so my height would not necessarily work against me. Still, that whole lack of talent and tendency to fall over and hurt myself in strange ways may be a factor. I will keep you posted.


At 11:50 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

No, ma'am, you can't leave it at that. I have a clear picture of what might have happened, but just how the hell did you "fall our of a parking lot?"

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Schna said...

I will try to go to the scene of the crime and take photos - then it will make more sense i think.


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