Monday, April 09, 2007


Good news - we think we found a place.
The catch - we have not yet spoken with the landlord; only the tenant.
Bad news - I seem to have lost the ability to stay asleep throughout the entire night. I have become well aquainted with the general sounds of my house between 4:30 and 7:30 am.

Other news - for the past week or so, Sadie has routinely been coming into our room at 7;30 and crawling into bed. She won't sleep there at night, but seems to think that my head is a good place to sleep in the morning. Good thing I'm short - I end up with my feet hanging off the bottom of the bed, with 75 pounds of squirmy hairball at my head. Still, this seems to be the point at which I am best able to fall back asleep on the rare mornings when I don't have to get up so early.

Hmm...LHPJ just got a call about the potential future apartment....must go.


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