Thursday, August 26, 2004

This day in history

"On Aug. 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing American women the right to vote, was declared in effect." (via NY Times)
Everyday, I get the New York Times headlines delivered, for free, right to my email. Since I started doing this, I feel far more informed as to what is going on in the world. Most days, there are maybe two articles that I actually read, but it's better than my previous no-news-because-I-hate-TV-news lifestyle. Everyday, there is an "on this day in history" factoid (e.g. the factoid above).
Now, do I have anything to say about woman getting the right to vote? Eh, not really, other than I'm certainly going to exercise that right this year.

On a totally different topic....
I have never seen my mailman. I've lived in my current apartment for over a year now, and have yet to run into him/her as I am arriving or leaving home, taking the dog out, or even walking down the street. While this may seem inconsequential (and really, it is), I find it very odd. Every other place that I have ever lived, I have seen the mailman. Even in Phoenix, where the mailboxes were nowhere near my apartment, I saw the mailman from time to time, stuffing mail into little boxes. Mailman, mailman, where are you???? Perhaps I shall make it my mission to meet my mailman (I don't even know if said mail carrier is male or female!!). To be continued if and when I ever meet the mailman....


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