WARNING!!! WARNING!!! CHEESE APPROACHING AT MAXIMUM WARP!!!!!I revel in the worlds that Bitchy Schna is opening to me. I've come to realize that perhaps doing everything in my power to make sure that everyone likes me isn't such a great idea. While I have avoided conflict in being a people pleaser, I've also ended up with a lot of one-sided friendships. Traversing great physical distances (Illinois to Michigan to Arizona to Pennsylvania) has been the death of these one-sided friendships (you know the old cliche about "knowing who your real friends are" blah blah blah), but I seem to pick up more everywhere I go. Until recently, that is. I'm learning to be more discriminating, as I have next to no time to devote to social interaction. I'm figuring out that it's OKAY to not like someone.In general, this has caused a vast reduction in the number of people with whom I associate regularly (both in person and via other means of communication). However, I find the quality of the interactions that I DO have to be far more validating and enjoyable than being surrounded by the masses. Many of those people are far away, and I sadly only communicate with them rarely.
I have made a concerted effort to maintain relationships with those people who talk to me because they want to, not just because they need something from me. I find, as a result, that I'm far more able and willing to give when they do need something - without feeling totally taxed in return. To wax uber-cheesey for a moment - Bitchy Schna has made me recognize the people who have a pretty good understanding of who I am, enough to recognize my quirks and consciously not exploit them for personal gain (as opposed to those who consciously exploit them and those who just don't pay enough attention to recognize them in the first place).
Now, I'm eating yogurt without a spoon and my personal epiphany is over.
Umm, I'm still not sure, but does that mean you like the peple you still e-mail?
yes, that means i like the people i still email. except you. :)
okay, okay, even you.
ooh, if you can find "cascade fresh" yogurt around you it is the best yogurt and it is inexpensive. I find it at Sprouts Market. Not only is it all natural - no phenylalalalaline or anything, it comes in regular cup shaped cups that are a lot easier to eat with no utensil. Unlike the severely sharpened yoplait cups that threaten to slice your tongue up with that tapered top edge.
delicious, and tongue friendly :)
Scott T - I HAVE to like you. You knew me in Junior High, and that's some serious blackmail knowledge you've got on me! :)
Tiffanie - yes, Yoplait doesn't seem to understand the delicacies of the tongue clashing with the razor sharpness of their containers. I will keep my eyes open for cascade fresh in the future, as I'm often without a spoon (in fact, I'm about to eat more yogurt right now -- WITH A FORK!).
How exactly do you eat yogurt with a fork?
it's a delicate endeavor. It actually works fairly well until the very last bits on the bottom - then i turn the fork upsidedown and use the handle like a spoon.
Before we switch the discussion from eating yogurt with spoons to forks (??), how does one cut their tongue on a YOGURT container?? Doesn't the above (using a utensil) remove any chances of your tongue coming into contact with this container?
yes, using a utensil DOES - however, when I originally posted, I did not have a utensil and was left with yogurt in container and tongue.
as if you have never tried to lick out a yogurt container. I have taken yogurt for breakfast and meant to eat it in the car and forgot to grab a spoon. Yoplait pours ok. I refuse to eat gogurt
eeeyyyww, gogurt! yogurt in a tube just isn't right.
They do make a drinkable yougurt, meant to be drank by the people on the go, and its not gogurt in the tube. This comes in a plaistic bottle like you would find chugs in.
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