Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Pancho's birthday present

A week from Friday, Pancho turns 4. That night, we're bringing home his "little" sister. :) They met for the first time last night, amidst the machinery, sawdust, and random crap lying around G's studio. All four of Sadie's brothers were there, along with Pippa (her mom). Poor Pancho was outnumbered AND outsized by the all the puppies!! Still, it went VERY well. Pancho was a bit nervous, but never seemed threatened (no dino-back or threatening growling). He started to bark at them more after we'd been there for about 30 minutes. Of course, for that entire 30 minutes there were puppies chasing him all over. At first, all five were in tow - Pancho leading the pack (this alone was worth seeing!). Then, the other puppies lost interest. Only one remained on his tail for the rest of the evening. Who else? Sadie of course. She LOVED him - and he seemed fairly open to her, though didn't like that she kept sneaking up behind him and sticking her cold wet nose on his...well, you know.
We couldn't have hoped for it to go better than it did. Tonight, they will hopefully get some one on one time. And the countdown begins to bringing her home.
9 days.
Pictures will be posted soon.
Update on job situation will be posted soon.


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