Is there anybody out there????
I'm supposed to be in class right now. Why am I not in class, you might ask?I have NO IDEA where my class is! I went to the room that it was in last week, and nobody is there. I searched other classrooms and can't locate them. In fact, there is NO ONE in the building!! Normally there are people in the lounge or walking through the halls, but it is SILENT here right now. I feel like it's 10:00pm or something. I even double checked the date on the computer to make sure I really knew what day it was. What the hell???? WHERE IS MY CLASS???????
I didn't have any email and there is no sign on the classroom door announcing a room change. I was ten minutes late to class, so maybe they all went somewhere together and didn't feel the need to announce it or leave word behind.
So, I'm going home. Unfortunately, I'm missing one of only 5 lectures this semester in this class. But, what else could I do? This is very strange. **cue Twilight Zone music***
are you sure classes start this week?
It will somehow end up being your fault. I hate when that happens.
classes started LAST week!
turns out we got an email saying the room had been changed. BUT, there is a delay between the Pitt email and my email, so I haven't even gotten it yet.
My prof was pretty understanding.
get rid of yahoo! mail. it doesn't play nicely with pittmail...
What about Gmail? I have about 200 invites left.
i'm not a big fan of Gmail. I have a couple of invites myself, through blogger. i like yahoo mail. it just doesn't seem to play nice with pitt mail, mostly because pitt mail SUCKS!
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