Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Goodbye to an old friend

Napping siblings
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst.
This is a sad month, as in mid-May, I will bid adieu to an old friend (pictured here). No, not Pancho, nor Sadie (who was particularly young nad cute in this photo, by the way).
No, it will be a farewell to The Poof. The Poof which I purchased in 1998, the fall of my sophmore year in college. For 9 years, the Poof has been a great chair, napping place, and more recently, dog bed. It has stopped running dogs from careening into the radiator or other furniture. It has provided a comfortable place to sit whilst watching movies in college. It was a soft landing for my many leaps from my ridiculously high bed at Hope. The Poof has never failed me.
But, all good things must one day end. The fluff is gone - it no longer stands two feet tall, but instead is a permanent pancake, taking up far too much space. It has begun to spill its contents, with the help of some big teeth (not mine...or LHPJ's). It is covered in hair and dust and stains from dog vomit, puppy accidents, and assorted beverages that have been spilled on it over the years.
It sort of smells funny too.
This will be the final home of The Poof. It will not make the trek with us to the new apartment. It will be left out on the curb for the garbage men (honestly, who would want it now??).
The dogs will get a new bed. We have moved beyond the college years of lounging in structurally free furniture. The time of The Poof is over.

Goodbye, fair Poof. You have served me well.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

*sniffle* Sad times we live in. Fare thee well, noble poof.

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I parted with my Poof when we moved out to AZ....it did not see the warm sunny weather. However....mine did not get thrown away...it was donated to a friend.

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cover it in powdered cheese and sell it on ebay as the most grotesquely misshapen cheesy poof ever found. Call it ET's mother ship. :D

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Schna said...

the sad thing is, someone would probably buy it.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Schna said...

and the poof has been taken.


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