Monday, August 30, 2004

Crazy Blogging!

Wow, I've posted a lot today. Oddly enough, it's been a busy day at work too!

Last night I took Pancho out, he did his thizang, I proceeded to clean it up (we have special bags just for that!), and I then took the little bag up to the porch where we have a garbage can especially for Pancho and his lawgs. As the little bag began its wind up swing for its flight to the can, I noticed something gray and black and furry with a long, skinny, rat-like tail chilling out in the bottom (amongst many other little bags). *shudder* Furry things with rat-like tails being in my house (the porch counts) creep my out. I love furry things outside, AWAY from my house, or as pets, but this was NO GOOD. So later I made Jon go downstairs with me to check it out. He thought it was dead. I called our landlords to see if maybe they had put a dead thing that their dog Ninja had killed in that can. Apparently not. They called animal control and the drama ended today. The furry rat-tail thing was not dead, but PLAYING dead. Yes, it was an oppossum. Creepy little things. Oddly enough, I've never seen one in Pittsburgh before. I hit one once in Michigan. A REALLY BIG ugly white one. I still felt bad for about a week though. Stupid thing. The one last night in the garbage was smaller...maybe kitten sized (6 or 7 pounds or so?).
The really gross thing about this whole story is that the only thing in that garbage can is dog shit in little bags, which means the oppossum went in after it and couldn't get out again. This morning I threw another little bag right on top of it, assuming it was dead (it hadn't moved!!). Now I feel bad that I threw dog shit on the poor thing.
Who else can say they've suffered through TWO guilt trips in their lives that were brought on by oppossums?? Stupid, stupid little things. Stupid rat-tails. Stupid dog shit garbage can.


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