Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I need a younger body

It has begun already. My body hates me. Stupid, stupid body!! Yesterday marked the first day of only the 4th week of school. That means I have a measly three weeks out of two years behind me. However, at 3am this morning, I was wide awake. Same was true at 4...5...6...by 7:00 I decided that I needed sleep more than I needed to be at work this morning. I only had to take a half a day and now I'm here, working away (can't you tell?). And true, I would have been more inclined to come to work in the morning if I didn't have class this evening, followed immediately by a 3-3.5 hour rehearsal (yes, I'm crazy - we've covered this before). If I knew I could be in bed by 10:30, as opposed to getting HOME at 11:30 or midnight, then perhaps I would have dragged my lazy ass here in the morning. But, the lack of sleep, the fatigue, and that gnawing swollen-gland, sore throat feeling kept me in bed. It was the only 4 hours of the week that I could really afford to give up.
Perhaps the worst side-effect is that I'm feeling very cranky. Many of the frustrations from my classes (like all the freakin' circular conversations that seem to arise about the same thing OVER and OVER again) sap all of my energy and make me far more susceptible to being bitchy elsewhere. Not many of you have witnessed me being bitchy - I don't think it's pretty. LHPJ just thinks it's funny. Still, it is not a state in which I am entirely comfortable.
BUT, I am determined to make it until at least the end of next July working full-time. It will save me quite a bit of money on many fronts. So, if my posts tend towards more complaints and expressions of frustration, so be it. I would apologize for it, but bitchy-Schna just doesn't say she's sorry. So there!!!

Okay, I lied. I really am sorry. Dammit!!


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