Wednesday, October 04, 2006

To Perm or Not to Perm my Mullet

Today on the bus, I saw a Korean girl with a mullet. The bangs and back were straight and thin. However, the area between the bangs and back was permed and kind of crazy. It was very mullet shaped, but definitely not a traditional mullet. Very strange.

I bought a Halloween costume for Pancho this evening. Stay tuned for pictures. They will be worth it.

This past weekend I attended my fourth (but not final) wedding of the year. There will be another in December, though whether or not I can go is still up in the air.

I was in Columbus, OH at the end of last week for a conference. In two weeks, I will be in Baltimore for a Wheelchair basketball tournament (don't laugh!), and two weeks after that I will be in Boston for another conference. LHPJ also has two conferences this Fall in Ontario and Chicago. Would be nice if we could leave town TOGETHER for a change!!

Any suggestions for a really good (and CHEAP) weekend getaway from winter (January or February)? The plan is to go to Seattle over spring break, but that's a LONG way off...


At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

um.....arizona :) duh

Free room and board... what more can you ask for. I might even be convinced to help with airfare.


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