Wednesday, April 18, 2007

All the places we'll go...

In a week and a half, we are leaving on our vacation. I CANNOT WAIT.

The first destination is Copehagen, Denmark (3 days).

Then, we are off to Stockholm, Sweden (3 days).

Followed by Oslo, Norway (2 days).

Then to Flam, via Myrdal and the famous Flam railway (1.5 days).

Finally, ending in Bergen, Norway where we'll get to cruise the fjords (2 days).

Hopefully, I will have even better pictures to share once we return. We leave on Monday, April 30th. During our 11 hour layover in Chicago, we'll actually get to leave the airport and go hang out with my family for a home cooked meal - WOO HO0!

We return home on Saturday, May 12th and get one night to sleep without the dogs around. That Monday, I start my internship and we start seriously packing up our place to move. yay.

This vacation is MUCH needed. While things have occurred since we made the decision to go that would have probably led us to NOT book this trip, I am VERY happy that we did and are going.


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