Wednesday, August 01, 2007

And it continues

More Cutbacks in HIV/AIDS Support Programs.

While at least most people have access to medications for AIDS in the U.S., that doesn't mean they have access to other services that address anything beyond survival. Sadly, after spending a lot of time in medical institutions, I can say that survival seems to be the goal. Keep the virus under control and the person is fine, right? Never mind the fact that many people have lost their jobs or can't get jobs because of discrimination (and yes, this does happen OFTEN). Doesn't matter if people can't afford cars and don't live in areas with good public transportation, so they can't get to their doctors. Who cares if they are nutritionally compromised, which undermines the body's ability to fight illness and heal?

HIV is a big one, but this mindset seems to be applied across the board. If a person can walk, talk, eat, and remember to turn off the stove, he's fine to go home, with no additional supports. So say the third party payers.

This soap box is nice and tall, I know. I just get frustrated, because I see it a lot. I can't close my doors, live in my little safe middle class bubble and pretend like the world outside doesn't exist - I wouldn't want to if I could. I also can't fight every cause - that would be equally as silly to attempt. I'm really not sure how to fight this one anyway.

So, I complain about it - that's what blogs are for, right? For me to be totally self-indulgant and whine and preach and say whatever the hell I want?

Woo hoo - it's all about me, ME, ME!

ok, back to being serious...

This sucks. That about sums it up I think.


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