Saturday, June 09, 2007

Pepsi Max

Pepsi Max
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst
I love Pepsi Max. I've always been a Coke person more than a Pepsi person, but Pepsi Max is AWESOME. Sadly, the U.S. does not have Pepsi Max. Yet another compelling reason to emigrate.
This tiny Pepsi Max (can you tell I love to say that?) truck was outside our train from Oslo to Myrdal, loading the snack bar.

In other news...

I went to the Hope Network 3 on 3 basketball tournament today. There were 181 teams there (6 WC teams). We played three official games and a 4th pickup game (we being my team, named "Gimps Plus One"; I was the plus one).
One thing I didn't consider was what happens in the summer when one spends 4.5 hours outside, in the sun, SITTING WITH SHORTS ON.

Have you all figured it out yet? That the tops of my legs, from mid thigh to mid knee are TOASTED? Well, they are. And they hurt. Like a bitch. It really is absurd just how sunburned my legs are. I can't wear pants, I can't set anything on my lap - even walking up and down the stairs stretches the skin in ways that are unpleasant. Anyway, I will be sleeping on my back tonight.

On the plus side, we came in third, and made a pretty good showing in our game against the first place team.


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