Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Weekend and such

Last night, we bowled our first league games. This is the night when your average and handicap are first determined, so NATURALLY, I bowl three of the better games that I have bowled in the past several years. Nice.

Sunday LHPJ and I went canoeing - good times. Too tired now to go into detail - it's barely after 7:00 am.

It is hot as #!*@ right now. Well, not hot so much as humid, but the overall feeling is about the same. Sadie is on the couch giving me a pathetic look that says - "SHAVE ME!".

I'm posting this now just to kill time. It's rare that I have an extra ten minutes in the morning, but I set my alarm ten minutes earlier since I have been running late recently and catching the later of two buses that I will take in the mornings. This morning, I had to be to work by 8:00, so I have to catch the earlier bus. So now I sit here.


Now Sadie is asleep and mocking me.

Ok, bus arrives in 7 minutes. I should get going.


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