Sunday, June 06, 2004

Blazing Saddles

Or Blazing trails....

Today we went on a hike (part of the Rachel Carson Trail, which I will be tackling in two weeks). Here is the description:

Approx. 9.5 miles Difficulty level (1-10): 8
This hike begins in Springdale and immediately tackles the "roller coaster", followed by the hill of Mile 14, LaFever Hill, down Rich Hill, and then up to Emmerling Park and back down. Lots of hills on this one. For more info, visit the Rachel Carson Trail website.

Yes, yes, not very exciting sounding I know....however, it was exciting. Most of the trail was REALLY muddy, with steep hills (much scrabbling and sliding was involved). There were a few sections where the trail was well beaten, but most involved treading through moderately trampled high grass or muddy paths through the woods...LOTS and LOTS of hills. So, I'm dead tired. And this was only 9.5 of the 34 miles! We'll see how many miles I go in two weeks. Not 34, I can guarantee that! (at least not this year)

Anyway, it's 9:20pm and I'm going to bed. I feel like I'm 8 and it's my bedtime. :) Goodnight.


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