Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The five things (for today) that I wish people would learn...

1. One can drop the "TO BE" from a sentence simply by adding "-ing", and it's just as short and doesn't sound as silly!!

2. There is NO "X" in Pittsburgh.

3. When entering an elevator, it is common practice to allow those exiting to get off first - NOT TO STAND RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOOR SO THAT NO ONE CAN GET OFF AND EVERYONE HAS TO PUSH AROUND YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO DAMNED IMPATIENT!! (this happens FAR too often in my building and it makes me crazy).

4. It's not very nice to push your way past people to be the first person on the bus, and then take for-freakin'-ever paying your fare in pennies while everyone else who could have just flashed their passes stands outside in the below zero wind chill (or snow or rain).

5. My last name is not jew-eng-est or hew-angst. While I realize that my family has bastardized the pronunciation (these are the same people who thing that the long in long island has 4 g's on the end (longggg)), AT LEAST they got the general idea. I am quite happy with the German pronunciation as well. On the plus side, this allows me to identify telemarketers very quickly.


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