Tuesday, April 05, 2005

O happy day

Dammit!! After posting that title, I now have that stupid song from "Sister Act II" stuck in my head (and I just confessed to you all that, yes, I have seen that movie, and yes, I am as embarassed about this as I should be). Fortunately, as I know you all are discerning enough in your movie taste as to NOT have seen that movie, you won't get the song stuck in YOUR heads!

Anyway, enough of that sidetrack and on to another...

The sun is out, it's warm enough for short sleeves, and I will be leaving work in less than an hour. And I say, it is good.

Last night, I got to see the Cubs opening game of the season, much to my delight. While I cannot disseminate the events of the game without the express written consent of the Chicago Cubs, I can (I think) say that it kicked ass and they won...by A LOT.

And while watching the basketball finals brought the mood down somewhat last night, still THE CUBS WON 16-6!!!! I'm happy. :)

Word on the street is that European football teams are coming to the states again this summer (last year I had the pleasure of seen Chelsea vs Roma at Heinz Field), and I wanted to know if anyone out there has anymore info on this - when they're coming, who is coming (I know Madrid is playing SOMEWHERE), WHERE they will be, etc etc?

Word on the street is also that they're making a comic book superhero of the Pope. Anyone find more info on this, let me know. Apparently he will be equipped with the standard holy water and the not-so-standard (at least to the best of my knowledge) chastity pants. While this is something I wouldn't be surprised to find at (my favorite store in Pittsburgh) "A Pleasant Present", I'm a bit shocked that people are seriously doing this - and intending for it to be REVERENT, not mocking. Strange...

A part of me is seriously considering being "sick" tomorrow just so I can go the baseball game (as it's supposed to be 75 degrees and sunny, and I don't want to be stuck inside at work all day), but the other part of me is seriously considering being "sick" tomorrow just so I can go to the baseball game. Sadly, it will not be so. I have to be at work. Everyone I know is otherwise committed, and I haven't yet attained the self-esteem necessary to go to a baseball game alone. And I have to work. DAMMIT! 1.5 weeks until the next home game (against the Cubs, no less). I can make it.

Yes, I'm obsessed. I have nothing better to do.


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