Monday, March 21, 2005

Let me pull out my soap box

I don't know if you have all been following the Terry Schiavo case, but here is an article from today's NY Times highlighting the decisions that have been made by Congress and the JaggerBush regarding this woman's care.

The really, really short version - Terry Schiavo has severe, permanent brain damage. Her husband (and legal guardian) wants to remove the feeding tube (which will eventually end her current state of being). Congress is intervening (after her other family members raised objections and took it to the state court level).

A quote from the Jaggerbush himself:
President Bush said in a statement just after 1 a.m.: "In cases like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws, and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life. This presumption is especially critical for those like Terri Schiavo, who live at the mercy of others."

First of all, he is in no position to argue that ANYTHING he does is "in favor of life". He has blown all credibility in that department.

But more importantly, Terri Schiavo's legal guardian is her husband. He is the person most likely to know what she would want (or what she may have expressly stated to him before her injury). What right does Congress have to intervene in her treatment and care??

Yet another reason to have a living will...


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