Friday, April 23, 2004

Another rainy morning bus ride

After being rained out of the game last night, i had a very good dinner at Primanti Brothers (a place that only those who have frequented Pittsburgh would understand). To give those who have never been there some idea, it's a sandwich place where all the sandwiches come on huge slices of bread (about half an inch thick), with french fries (the greasy, medium-fat kind) and cole slaw (the german, peppery cabbage kind...not the mayonaisey-american kind) ON THE SANDWICH. If I knew how to import a picture, I would right now, but I'm not yet that advanced. I got my favorite, the cheese combo (all of the above mentioned ingredients along with three kinds of cheese all melted into a fried cheese-patty-o'-goodness).

Okay, so that was supposed to be a brief lead in to my main story for the day....ah well. I was riding the bus into work this morning, as always, and I noticed a guy sitting by himself, no headphones, no phone (I even checked for the ear-piece phones that always make people look like they are talking to themselves)....anyway....the guy kept smiling and sort of chuckling to himself. It got me really curious as to 1) if he realized he was chuckling out loud and 2) what he was thinking about that was so funny. As it was a rainy morning and I was riding the bus into work, I wasn't personally giddy about much...I wonder what this guy's secret is?

So then I started to look around more, and all over the bus (at least the back half where I was sitting), people were making all kinds of expressions to themselves. Some other guy would smile, and then look all pissed off, and then smile again. The lady next to me kept sucking in and chewing on one cheek, then the next, then back to the first, all the time with a quasi-puzzled expression on her face. The chuckling dude I've seen before (he frequents the bus in the mornings and gets off at the same stop that I do), though I can't say I've ever seen him quite so amused.

I guess on the bus everyone is in their own little world. While someone's ass may be in your face (if you have the fortune of getting a seat at that time in the morning), or the big dude next to you is taking up half your seat, causing you to hug your backpack and suck yourself into as narrow a position as you can, somehow it seems easiest just to tune them out...drift into your own world of personal space and comfort. yes, yes, the buses in the mornings are a frotteurist's dream.
Alas, my work calls (banana's successfully consumed; work must begin).


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