Monday, June 14, 2004

The Bread My Sweet

Marathon Man Beats Horse
Over a 37 K race, a man FINALLY won in the epic man vs. horse event. Check out the story here.

Wow, there is just nothing else all that interesting in the news. Some story about a man swallowing 160 bags of cocaine...but overall, it's a dull day in the news.

The other night I went to Panera for the first time in a while. To my horror and chagrin, I found that they have changed their bread recipes to be LOWER CARB!! It's freakin' Panera BREAD. BREAD!! bread=carbs
For those who are cutting carbs (those I now call Atkinarians), what the hell are they doing in Panera BREAD anyway?? It's bad enough that EVERYWHERE you go (including the shoe stores now, apparently), "Low Carb" is all around. Now, those of us who indulge in the delicious goodness of breads, pastas, potatoes, and other such carb-filled foods are having to suffer through low-carb bread. NO GOOD.


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