Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Bad morning...Good morning...Bad morning...Good morning

I've only been away for two hours, and yet here I am, at work, having ALREADY gone through all the normal ups and downs usually reserved for a WHOLE DAY.
It started with the alarm waking me up for the first time in a long, long time. I'm usually pretty good at waking up before my alarm goes off. Ah, not today. Stage 2 -The Bus. For some reason the buses were running later than usual, which means they were more crowded than usual. Fortunately, I was able to catch a luxury liner (that would be a bus that is two buses long with that accordian thing in the middle to hold the two parts together), so I got a seat. I was about two rows back from the accordian thing, and the girl behind me insisted on having a (loud) conversation with the people who were sitting IN the accordian thing. To make it worse, it wasn't even an interesting conversation. They were undergrads talking about their upcoming German test. Hmm, maybe they'd understand this: Schließen Sie die Hölle!!! (that would be roughly 'Shut the Hell up!!!').
So the bus arrives at CMU, where (yay!!) they are all getting off. So, annoying girl behind me starts squeezing her way through the aisle, and her giant-ass purse spills all over me and the floor (well, I only got a cellphone to the head, but it was enough). So she's giggley and insincerely apologetic. Get off the fucking bus already! Finally, as the bus is about to pull away and force me to ride another stop (which at this point means 20 feet) with this beacon of intelligence, she finishes packing her purse and heads for the exit. Then I hear, "Hey you alls (would that be all's? i have no idea how to spell that, which makes me quite proud actually.), you dropped this". What did she drop on the bus, in front of everyone. Oh yes, her birth control pills. Heh heh!
Ah, first high point of the morning.
I get off the bus, stop and get hot chocolate and a carrot muffin from Kiva Han (which is becoming my new morning haunt) and go to my office. Perhaps it's because I'm not a coffee drinker, but as I'm walking, the hot chocolate keeps splashes OUT of the little opening in the plastic lid. Maybe I walk like a camel or something. Who knows...
ANYWAY, I get to my office and wait an age for the elevator. Get on the elevator. Up to floor two. Stop. Someone gets off. WHAT?? It's one freaking floor and this dude waited a good five minutes for an elevator!! He was young, appeared to be in decent physical health...what the hell?? Then I notice he appears to be not feeling so great...maybe hung over, maybe coming down from some high or another. So, I stop being irritated. Person gets on. Up to floor three. Person who got on at 2 gets off. BLARGH BLARGH BLARGH!!!!!!! After making two more stops, I FINALLY arrive on the eighth floor (I really should just start taking the stairs...much faster. The biggest deterrent is that the stairwell has NO ventillation, so it's hot, stuffy, and smells like day old ass).
However, I would soon be greeted by my second happy moment of the morning. My carrot muffin was EXCELLENT. :)
So, as I will be away from my desk for most of the day, I figured it's post now or never. It could have been worse...I could have told you about my toe jam (which really would have been a boring post, as I have none. Haha! Now I HAVE told you about my toe jam!!).
***note*** toe jam, in the above instance, is not to be confused with the toe jam that is tofu hotdogs. :(~~~~


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