Monday, March 14, 2005

Random music lyrics

In the spirit of the random book quote post, here is the random music lyrics post.
In this case, I opened the insert to the CD I am currently listening to and picked song 6. Since it's short, you get the whole thing (and i'm typing it just as it's printed, punctuation and all).

i'm waking from a dream the neighborhood is
green all the sounds i've missed all the years
come down to wedding deaths and fears and
all i've heard has been in vain like water on
a stain touch me i'm so beautiful rub your
hands across my head just like this come
with me it's not worth it if you don't are
you hiding i am hiding cypress moon bald in
june like the granite in a stream swamp
ophelia i'm torn down let your waters let
me drown touch me i'm so beautiful rub
your hands across my head just like this
come with me it's not worth it if you don't
are you crying i am crying jump jump jump
so high watch me let you down if i
stumble i will stumble if i fall i will fall
i'm trying to hold it like rain in a river
everything is getting bigger better this
won't last forever touch me fall

As I know this song very well, I cannot divorce the melody from the lyrics. However, for those not familiar with this song, the way the lyrics are printed in the insert give you no sense of the rhythm of the song. I suppose that the music itself provides the necessary punctuation.
Some songs are quotable. The lyrics stand alone. I think that this song has its quotable moments too, but I think the choice to print them as they are seems to make the statement that the lyrics and the music are not separate, independent entities, but one in the same.
So, I encourage you to listen to the song (Indigo Girls, Swamp Ophelia, Touch Me Fall).
Oddly enough, as I was typing that, the song came on. :)

I also encourage you to share with me the lyrics (all or some) of track 6 of the CD nearest to you. Hopefully this will get me to listen to some new music I have not yet heard.


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