Friday, May 13, 2005

Doing a little Friday dance

I have been without internet access for too long (over 15 hours!!!). LHPJ's computer has a virus, so we had it shut down last night. My last access to the internet was therefore at work yesterday. And then, I come in this morning, and it takes me nearly 2 hours before I have the time to sit down at my desk and plug into for my fix. The sad thing is, I'm really not even an internet junkie. However, there are a couple of emails I was awaiting, which made not being able to get to them THAT MUCH MORE FRUSTRATING!!!!

Still, today is good. It's Friday, the stupid glands-the-size-of-golf-balls cold-type-thing I had for seems to be packing up and moving out, and I'm looking forward to a weekend spend largely outdoors (hopefully this will include 2 baseball games, a shopping trip to the Strip (for food, that is) plus some running and taking the Panch for a couple of walks (aka 'klaws' when one is around the Panch, as this is a word he knows well).

AND...TOMORROW I GET A FISH SANDWICH!!! I missed out last weekend, as I was in Chicago. That's two weeks and no fish sandwich. The cold sweats and shakes are near at hand!!

Hmm, I also just finished eating my 4th banana in the past 24 hours. Had no choice - they're starting to turn brown (and besides, the hot fudge and icecream were free last night, and the bananas were looking very lonely...).


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