Tuesday, May 24, 2005

More Hamburgers and More Vader

Last night, I finally saw "Revenge of the Sith" (I make it sound like it's been out for weeks, but having grown up a Star Wars fanatic (not to the point of ever dressing like a character (okay, that's not true - in high school we once performed the cantina song and I was dressed as a Jawa (yes, I KNOW there are no Jawas in the cantina, but it's the best I could do on short notice AND the best I could do and still be able to play an english horn!))), it took me a long time to finally see it.

Overall, I was pretty impressed. Aside from some cheesy dialogue ("anakin, you're breaking my heart!"), the story developed and played out well, the acting from Ewan (Obi Wan) and Ian (Palpatine/Darth Sidious) was excellent, and the fight scenes were great (i'm particularly fond of all of the action that R2D2 got!). Visually, the movie was pretty amazing as well. If only dear old George had not been on such an ego trip and had let someone GOOD direct...

Still, I was happy with how it turned out. I'm sure before it leaves the theaters, I will be seeing it again.

Regarding hamburgers, we went to Fuddruckers last night before the show. Despite being aware of Fuddruckers my whole life (and living relatively near one), I had never been there before. I got a buffalo burger with mushrooms and cheese. MMM...Buffalo...*drool*. I have to say I was a bit scared by the mounds of condements though. Something about towering heaps of salsa, onions, tomatoes, and pickles makes me feel ***weirded out***.

All in all, it was a good Monday night. I can't complain.


At 11:27 AM, Blogger Schna said...

was he Vader?

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Richard Parent said...

There was a guy sitting about 4 seats down from us wearing "jedi robes."

I was sad for him, for oh so many reasons.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Schna said...

I could dress up as a storm trooper, just to count how many people said to me "Aren't you a little short to be a storm trooper?" (which makes SO MUCH more sense now that I know that the storm troopers are all clones!). yes, i'm brilliant.


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