Pin-up dog
Pinup dog
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst.Sadie's favorite place to nap is ANYWHERE! She seems to really like sleeping right on the hardwood floors though, in whatever positions she happens to land in. This is just one of them.
More pictures soon...
Apologies all around
Sorry about the LONG lag in posting. Last week at work was one of the busiest I've ever had. It was also my last week of work ever (well, full-time at that position anyway).
Friday night, we brought Sadie home, and since then my time has been otherwise engaged (read: DEMANDED BY AN ATTENTION HUNGRY PUPPY AND HER JEALOUS OLDER BROTHER!!!).
Pictures will be posted VERY soon (they are uploading to
my flickr site as I type).
In other news, yesterday, LHPJ passed his exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has posted about it himself, so I will let him tell you (read: gloat) at
I am leaving tonight for Chicago for Thanksgiving and will return Saturday, at which point we will have company for a few days. I cannot promise any posting while in Chicago (though it's possible, so you should all wait in eager anticipation!).
Happy Turkey Day!
First sign that I've been living in Pittsburgh too long...'s 11:45pm, I have to work tomorrow, and I'm staying up to watch the end of the Steelers (read: Stillers) game. What has happened to me???
Okay, I have returned - I had to go see the Steelers score another touchdown.
Something I decided earlier this evening: I want to see the WNFL. Or the WAFL - I would take either. :)
Tomorrow, I start my last week of full-time work. This makes me happy. :)
Thanks Pat!
I am taking shelter, after
this fabulous warning from Pat Robertson.
Pancho's birthday present
A week from Friday, Pancho turns 4. That night, we're bringing home his "little" sister. :) They met for the first time last night, amidst the machinery, sawdust, and random crap lying around G's studio. All four of Sadie's brothers were there, along with Pippa (her mom). Poor Pancho was outnumbered AND outsized by the all the puppies!! Still, it went VERY well. Pancho was a bit nervous, but never seemed threatened (no dino-back or threatening growling). He started to bark at them more after we'd been there for about 30 minutes. Of course, for that entire 30 minutes there were puppies chasing him all over. At first, all five were in tow - Pancho leading the pack (this alone was worth seeing!). Then, the other puppies lost interest. Only one remained on his tail for the rest of the evening. Who else? Sadie of course. She LOVED him - and he seemed fairly open to her, though didn't like that she kept sneaking up behind him and sticking her cold wet nose on his...well, you know.
We couldn't have hoped for it to go better than it did. Tonight, they will hopefully get some one on one time. And the countdown begins to bringing her home.
9 days.
Pictures will be posted soon.
Update on job situation will be posted soon.
Dreaded day as come and nearly gone
Today, I quit my job.
Well, sort of. I gave my two weeks, but will continue to work part-time (1 day per week, most likely). I will be starting a 25-hour per week paid internship beginning December 1st. More details soon.
Things have changed very quickly, and it's keeping me busier than usual (not that I'm busy to begin with or anything...).
Now, I can **sigh** and stop worrying about quitting. Yes, yes, I know. I'm a total wimp.
Overheard while walking home from the bus...
I heard someone refer to Panera as Pantera. Twice.
Eek - Beware!
I stole this from <>ThreeGoldfish (thanks!), because I thought it was significant for those who listen to a lot of music (and own a lot of CD's).
So, if you EVER listen to CD's in your computer,
Seriously, READ IT! It will only take a minute.
For those who are too lazy to click on the link and read it, the gist is that SONY CD'S SUCK!!
As promised
Michelle attacked by puppies
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst.Tonight, I posted several pictures of Halloween and Pancho. This is the only one I was able to get of Sadie, and it's not great. IF I can ever figure out how to turn on the freakin' flash on the digital camera, we'd be in business. I have some pictures I took with my 35mm, but there will be a delay on those (naturally).
Anyway, Sadie is the puppy front and center DEMANDING attention. The little tank just to her left is her brother Ben. Bonus points if you can figure out where THAT name came from! :)
Hot Dog
Hot Dog
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst.There is NOTHING cuter than this!!
Jesus and Lenny
Jesus and Lenny
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst.Ah yes, the joys of Halloween. This was prior to leaving for Halloween party #1 of the evening. Any thoughts on LHPJ's costume??
One of my favorites
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst.I LOVE this picture of Pancho. I'm not sure why, but I think it captures him well.
Originally uploaded by sbjuengst.This is from several weeks ago when we had a mini-cookout in our backyard.
As things pile up and get put off
Halloween pictures to be posted soon. Also, new pictures of Sadie will be posted soon.
Still waiting on that thing I don't want to do that I thought I would be doing Monday or Tuesday of this week, but now it looks more like Friday or Monday of next week. GRR!! I promise more info on this SOON! I just can't discuss publicly yet until 1) it's final and 2) certain other people are informed.
I have to find time in the near future to clean the apartment in preparation for the puppy, as well as to set up everything we have ordered for the puppy and Pancho. We also have to introduce the puppy and Pancho a couple of times before the big move-in takes place.
Somehow, the school work still needs to be completed too.
Things at work are piling up and I really, REALLY need to get caught up on everything. It's nice to be busy, but I can't have stuff piling up on my desk and being put off right now. In the middle of all this work chaos, I got stuck at the MRI center yesterday for 7.5 hours (without leaving the stupid control room). That sucked and kept me from doing everything else I had to do.
I have about 30 emails in my inbox that have yet to be returned. Some are from September.
I have had a package to mail to my Mom all addressed and ready to go for 3.5 weeks now, and just haven't gone to the post office to mail it. I'm hoping this will happen this week, as I have to go somewhere to get a $10 money order anyway (for my criminal record/child abuse history clearances or some such thing).
I apologize for my recent lack of perusing the internet for interesting and quirky tidbits of info for your reading enjoyment.
I need brown shoes/boots for the winter. I have none - the heel broke off my boots from last year. I do mean NEED and not just WANT too, because I have an overabundance of brown clothes and I just can't wear black shoes with brown clothes! grr!
Okay, remember that whole work piling up thing? Well, it's piling as I type...more soon.