Monday, April 26, 2004

Monday night baseball...

Ah yes, another night out at a game, watching the Pirates lose. Oh how I love them.
So, in an upset tonight, William Hung's "She Bangs" finally LOST to "Fire" a la Hendrix. And the paid attendance continued to decline to a lowly 8,500 fans tonight. ouch.

So we decided to sit in the outfield tonight, and there were some teenie boys taunting Ken Griffey Jr. all night (quite poorly too). "Ke....n" :Griiiiifey" "You suck!" were some of the more creative taunts of the night. After about 7 innings, KGJ finally gave them the universal hand signal for jacking off. it was beautiful. I have a new found respect for the man that has nothing to do with his baseball talent (which is not to say that i don't respect his baseball talent).

Just a note, what drew us to the game tonight was the promise of $1.00 hotdogs. mmm...they were worth it. :)


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