Sunday, June 27, 2004

Permanent Midnight

It's almost 3am, and my dog wants to go out AGAIN!! ah well, that's what happens when we stay up that late.
ANYWAY, went to the theater this evening and saw "1776". The tickets were free from my boss, which is good because the show was far from great. It was surprising to me that the people in front of us had a 5 year old (or thereabouts) boy with them. Fortunately, he was relatively well behaved, only occasionally doing the little kid whisper (you know, the whisper that is just as loud as regular talking) or standing up or wiggling in his chair. Honestly though, he's 5 (ish)! A child that age doesn't typically have the attention span to sit through a 2.5 hour show, ESPECIALLY when there are no muppets, bright colors, or catchy songs involved (annoying songs that get stuck in your head are not the same as catchy). Anyway, I just don't get it. It seems like it would have been cheaper to pay for a babysitter than to spend the $45 on the ticket...

Hmm, what else has happened since I last posted (I had all kinds of things to say, and I sit down to type and forget them all!)...
Saw "Farenheit 9/11" last night. Excellent, excellent movie. The crowds were incredible last night, even for the shows around midnight. Of course, outside the theater one had to progress through a throng of those passing out pamphlets and trying to get signatures for a petition to put Ralph Nadir ont he ballot. Oh, and the Violin Lady was there!!!! ARGH! The first time I saw her, I ducked into B&N before violence could ensue. However, she followed me there (at least she wasn't playing in there though). The second time, it took all seven people with me to restrain me (well, not really, but this makes a better story) from shoving her bow "up her anus"!!! haha!!

Seriously though, I recommend the movie. I don't recommend the play we saw tonight. Oh, and I recommend blueberries...they're tasty. Goodnight. zzz.....


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