Monday, June 28, 2004

Weekend Update

For those who may be interested, here is a story about how 'Farenheit 9/11' did this weekend. Apparently it topped box office records for a documentary opening weekend. Not surprising...

A group of firefighters returned to their station to find it on fire. Brilliant, ja? For the full story, go here. (Thanks to Dennis for calling this to my attention).

Ah, Monday...what would we do without it(most likely go right from Sunday to Tuesday, I suppose)? This weekend (friday) we went and saw the aformentioned movie. It was the first time in a LONG time that I have gone with an organized group of people to see a movie (there were 8 of us). We had dinner, saw the movie, went out for a few drinks...sort of made a night of it. I think that I am just too lazy (and so are my friends!)...or that we all just get kind of lazy post-college or high school and stop having socially organized evenings (other than the occasional planned party). Perhaps with no parents and no children, we all are just free to be spontaneous in our social lives, going out if we feel like it and staying in if that suits us. I am finding that I enjoy this freedom (I have some restrictions in having a dog, of course). However, I've also found that I see people less without these planned events. Does it say something about me that I look forward to laundry nights, because that is a guaranteed time that I am going to see a friend? Honestly, looking forward to laundry????

In Phoenix, we used to go bowling every Thursday night. It was dollar nights, so all games were a buck and pitchers of Killian's were pretty cheap. We'd bowl from 9-12 most Thursdays, usually getting in 7-9 games. Good times. With Thursdays being my hump day (tues-sat schedule), this gave me something mid-week to look forward to. It was an evening when i KNEW i would be out doing something fun. while i'm not typically a structured person in that sense, I enjoyed routine of bowling. It's the same way I enjoy the routine of laundry (though this isn't nearly as set in stone as bowling was) every other week. I wouldn't mind getting together more often with a larger group of people just to catch a movie.

Overall, I got to see a lot of people this weekend, which doesn't always happen (especially in the summer while everyone is out of school -- drawbacks to being friends with mostly grad students). Despite having to work Saturday (don't get me started on that!), it was a really good weekend overall. Any fun weekend stories from any of you?


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