Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Random notes for Hump Day

I am addicted to Nantucket Nectars Half & Half.

I just can't stop drinking it.

I squashed my banana this morning. Put it in my bag to go to work, took it out all brown and squishy. I must have had it next to something cold to turn it that brown that quickly. I have yet to be brave enough to try it.

Tonight, we migrate to Cleveland, OH to see The Pixies. True, they will be in da burgh tomorrow night, but we will be on a turbo prop jet flying outta da burgh n at to toronto.

See above (about Toronto).

Plans while in Toronto (in no real order):
Go to the zoo.
Eat seafood (i WILL be missing my fish sandwich, after all).
Go running.
Walk around and explore a lot.
Do whatever we feel like doing.
(jon goes home)
Present a poster at a conference where everyone knows what they're talking about EXCEPT ME (seriously folks, this is not just self-doubt talking here. These people are experts and I barely can explain what I did to get the results we're presenting).
Go out to a bar party with a bunch of people who are at a conference for the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (this could be interesting...)
Fly home.

Any suggestions?


At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you could use one of
When you're done using it for it's intended purpose it can double as an, ahem, "marital aid."

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean "its"
I'm exhausted and my brain is not functioning properly today... Blarg!

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Schna said...

I can't decide what color though...

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Schna said...

coco - your blunder makes me think of the ever popular strong bad song which goes:
"Y-O-U-R. Y-O-U apostrophe R-E. They're as different as night and day.
Can't you see that night and day are different.
What's wrong with you!?"

I think somewhere he has another person about it's and its. :)


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