Monday, September 27, 2004

Suburbs are bad for you health

Not that this is anything that's all the new or surprising, but this article discusses how the suburban sprawl can be bad for one's health. The main arguments center around lack of exercise, as living in the burbs more or less requires having a car and driving everywhere.

I grew up in the suburbs. While there were things I didn't like, I thought that I could be happy there. Then I moved to the city. Now, I don't think I could ever go back. For over two years now, I have lived without a car. True, I have had to, at times, rely on some of my wonderful friends for things such as getting to and from the airport or taking my dog to the vet (no dogs on the bus). But for the most part, I can walk to most places. After a big dinner out, walking home is much better for my digestion than just sitting like a lump with bad food coma.
More so than the physical lifestyle, I feel much more at home in the "mental" atmosphere of the city. There is a sense of creative process, of culture, art, music, academia. People THINK. I am surrounded by more people who share my views and my values here than in the burbs.

So, I'm a convert. And apparently, it's better for my health anyway! :)


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